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Sales meeting of the ESSER Group 2022: putting the horsepower on the road.

Synergies in a family without a nestling.

Diana Esser put it in a nutshell in her opening speech: "With Hubert & Co, we have gained a new family member. We can now offer our customers an even more complete portfolio. We are now complete as the ESSER Group. Now it's all about getting this horsepower on the road.

However, most of the participants in this seminar were probably not fully aware of exactly how much "horsepower" was behind it at the beginning. Even during the presentations of the individual locations, in which services, machinery and working methods were presented, there were some astonished and some surprised reactions - and intensive questions and enquiries.

All locations will be retained. And for good reason.

Produce a book to the highest possible quality level. Print an instruction manual with pinpoint accuracy and deliver it just-in-sequence to the conveyor belts of our industrial customers.  Printing, customising and delivering seminar documents within 48 hours with the required "zero" error rate. This portfolio, united under one company umbrella since this year, is extraordinary and shows how systematically Markus Esser, Managing Director of the ESSER Group, is proceeding with the development of the group of companies.

Markus Esser: "We want each location to retain its individual strengths, develop them further and contribute them to the Group. The locations will therefore remain where they are right now. In Bretten, Ergolding and Göttingen."

Network, supplement and optimise.

The meeting was also a big step forward for the networking of the locations. After initial steps had already been taken in recent months, the meeting was the ideal time to discuss and plan further optimisations. Topics included the Group's internal utilisation and use of machines, IT and internal mechanisms to make the USPs of the individual sites available to the entire ESSER Group even more quickly.

A group of companies with currently 170 employees that prints 100% digitally.

Until now, that was the ESSER Group. Now, with Hubert & Co, we can also offer the clear advantages of digital printing in the high-end book printing segment. Communicating this message to our target groups and identifying new target groups and markets was the theme of the afternoon.

The potential that all employees discovered and developed in the seminar's dialogue was impressive. And when Stephan Uhlenhuth, Sales Manager and confident moderator of the seminar, ended the meeting in the late afternoon, it was clear to everyone that there are no "nestlings" in the ESSER corporate family.