We all bear responsibility for the world of tomorrow.
A first in the long history of the Druck&Medien Awards.
We merged EsserDruck Solutions GmbH in Ergolding with Esser printSolutions GmbH in Bretten.
Rolf Blind takes over the areas of development, sales and marketing.
Did you know that only one per cent of the book titles on sale in Germany account for around 50 per cent of sales?
Publishing insiders know Göttingen as the city in Germany with the most bookshops per inhabitant and as the headquarters of the "Gemeinsame…
Print, mailing and e-mailing: Our advertising campaign focussing on letterpress printing has been launched.
Are you already familiar with our colleague support concept?
Synergies in a family without a nestling.
This is good news! It was finalised last Friday: the ESSER Group has once again been nominated for the Print & Media Award. Our Ergolding site has…